Summer Cucumber Aubergine Rolls
1 Aubergine
1 cucumber
Olive oil
Tbsp organic miso
Juice of 1/2 lime
3 tbsp tahini
1 Tbsp cholula hot sauce
Cut aubergine into chips size, salt them and after a few minutes pad them dry. Add a generous amount of olive oil to a non stick, and the aubergine chips. Let them cook a little then add the miso paste, mixing it well till incorporated. Cook the aubergines till tender. Add the agave syrup, and let them cool on the side.
Peel slices of the cucumber thinly and overlap the slices on top of a kitchen towel. Pat them dry.
Prepare the sauce by mixing the ingredients, as well as some water, salt and pepper.
Add the sauce to the cucumber slices, the aubergine, and roll tightly. Cut slices of the rolls and sprinkle them with chilli flakes, salt and pepper.